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He's in the waiting

"Upstream's Holy Spirit led worship has helped me through some challenging times. It never fails to bring me closer to Jesus and to feel God's ever present presence." - Chris, UK


Adam has been a lead worshipper for over 25 years, on some of the biggest platforms in the global church. But some of the best, most powerful times have been alone at the piano with Jesus.


Adam has discovered that the deeper you press into God's presence, the deeper it goes.


Adam's passion is for people to know the true heart of the Father, rest deeper in the arms of Jesus and fiercely follow the footsteps of the Holy Spirit.


Knowing who He is takes us into revelation of who we are in Him so we can be all He calls us to be to those around us.



Keep in Touch!

We are so excited you're here! Adam and his team are recording Holy Spirit anointed worship sets for you to use for your own worship times and home church meetings. They will be uploaded to the site very soon. 


If you'd like to be kept up to date with all the new teaching and worship videos, please do sign up to our mailing list below. We promise we won't bombard you with emails, just enough to keep you informed.


And you can always unsubscribe at any time. 

(We'd miss you though!)

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