Are you in need of something? A breakthrough in your health, your finances or relationships? Well, we have good news for you today.
A while ago, Pastor Richard taught a series called How to Receive a Miracle. It was a fantastic 10-part series which covered many aspects of faith and receiving from God. This week, we'd like to recap part 2 as a reminder to us all that everything we need is already provided in Christ Jesus.
Colossians 2:6 says; As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him.
How did you receive Jesus? Did you beg and plead with God to save you? No! You just believed and received. And boom! You were born again. This verse is saying that, as we received Jesus, that's how we should walk through Him!
At Upstream Home Churches around the world, we've seen many miracles of God's provision; financial, physical, emotional. Click on the image below to listen to a 1-minute snippet from Richard's teaching.
We hope it blesses you greatly. You can find out more about who we are and what we do on our website:
Until next time,
Upstream Ministries